Faith over Fear

Fear hovers over us like smelly feet. I want to scream, "Hey, fear! Why don't you go and wash in a little faith? You stink, and you're starting to bother me." If only it were that simple. If only we could rid ourselves of fear by shooing it away.

Our world is in a time of crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic. For most of us, it is the first time in our lives to experience something of this magnitude, and it can be easy to let fear move in on us.

Last week, I experienced a ripple effect of fear. Before I proceed with telling you what happened to me, let me give a precursor that I in no way think it compares with what is happening in our world today; however, it felt like a substantial weight while I walked through it. And the smelly feet of fear hovered all around me.

As I left work on Monday, another vehicle pulled out in front of me, with nowhere to go, I crashed into the passenger side of her car. It happened in a split second. Both of our vehicles were in bad shape and towed away, but we remained unharmed from the incident.

In the same week, I had so much excitement and anticipation for what God would do at the Roar Conference. Then, on Wednesday, we were faced with the decision to cancel or postpone the event. If you've ever poured yourself into something (an event, a project) only to have your plans change, you know the feeling. The entire Roar team was a little devastated.

On Friday, I was headed to the doctors to undergo a couple of screenings. There was the possibility that cancer had returned to my body (in a third and different area than before). I felt a little beaten down. You know the song, "I'm trading my sorrows …" but I couldn't sing the rest. I wallowed for a bit—not for long, but I was there, and fear sat with me.

For two weeks, my mind raced, wondering if the test would reveal cancer again. Fear hanging on like a giant distraction. I'm not sure who or how many people were praying for me, but on Thursday evening, I felt a great peace surround me. I wasn't doing anything super spiritual - honestly, I think we were watching television. At that moment, I simply turned to Frank and said, "Everything is going to be alright." I knew it. I could feel it. Fear left, and a wave of peace surrounded me.

What the enemy meant for evil to bring about fear and anxiety, God came in through some practical and miraculous ways.

What the enemy meant for evil to bring about fear and anxiety, God came in through some practical and miraculous ways. My Jeep is in the body shop awaiting an overhaul. Still, the other persons' insurance provided me with a rental car: a Range Rover (my secret car crush). Isn't that like God? We rescheduled the Roar Conference for now, and it shows little significance to the global pandemic happening in our world, but it did rattle me a bit. And, after performing the first screening on Friday, the doctor said, "we can't find anything and feel comfortable not doing the biopsy—everything is going to be alright."

I have a t-shirt that I often wear to remind myself that faith is over fear. Every time. All the time. Faith wins. I wear it because fear can start to smell at any moment. Fear highjacks our thoughts, our relationships, and our life.

“Fear nullifies faith in our lives.”

Lindsay (my daughter), spoke a few weeks ago about faith and fear. Her opening statement said, "Fear nullifies faith in our lives." She had my attention. Disappointment, doubt, and deception enter our minds when fear lingers. But when faith rises, there is a quiet trust and unshakable confidence.

Right before we get to Hebrews 11, the faith chapter in the Bible, we have Hebrews 10, a call to persevere in faith. You see, just like we allow fear to hang around us like smelly feet, we are called to continue toward faith. I'm sure that the list of faith hero's in Hebrews 11 did a lot of pushing through the struggle, putting one foot in front of the other and washing their fear feet every night in some faith water.

Do you hear me? We can allow the stench of fear to stay on us, or we can wash free of fear. I choose the latter. I have wasted too much time allowing fear to hold me back.

Hebrews 10:39 is the best part of chapter 10. "But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved." Whoa! That's powerful! That verse (statement) flows right into Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

The Message paraphrases Hebrews 10:39 to say, "But we're not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! We'll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way."

Go wash that stinky stench of fear away, my friends because we're pressed but not crushed, persecuted not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed. I can hear you singing!!


Remain Confident


Perspective of Possibility