Thankful for You.


I saw the movie Harriett last week, a film about Harriett Tubman, one of America's greatest female heroes. Wow! Go and see the movie.


Harriett Tubman's escape from slavery gave her the audacious courage and tenacity to free hundreds of slaves and change the course of history. The movie Harriett has several great moments and quotes. Still, one of my favorites is when they question her ability to do what she needed to do because she was a woman. Marie says of Harriett, "What's a man to a woman touched by God."


I'm thankful for Harriett Tubman, a woman touched by God, and I'm thankful for you. A sisterhood of women stirred by God to make a difference, one life at a time.


God’s not looking for spectacular; He is looking for obedience.

I hear you saying, "I'm no Harriett Tubman." "I'm not doing anything spectacular for God, and I will never be an American hero." God's not looking for spectacular; He is looking for obedience.


Harriett's remarkable ability to free herself and others from slavery was in her fierce obedience to the voice of God. In the face of fear, her obedience was forceful--bold obedience. I'm thankful for you. I've heard many of your stories. Some of you are at the start of stepping out into brave obedience. Others have already taken a significant leap in obeying God's inner tug to go and do. And some are already through the obedience journey cheering for your sisters to do the same. There's no need to be impressive; you only need to act upon what God is asking you to do.


Harriett's first journey north was alone—in the middle of nowhere being chased and hunted with no GPS or map to show her the way. But she wasn't alone—God was with her the entire journey leading, guiding, and illuminating the path to take. You're not alone either.  I know it seems terrifying to take the first step, but God wants to go with you in the dreams and into the blessed life he has for you. God's not looking for you to go it alone; He wants to walk with you into your scary place and free you to establish the dreams in your heart.


As Harriett gets ready to escape, her father tells her first to go and see Reverend Green. As they're sitting in the church, Reverend Green says to Harriett, "Fear is your greatest enemy." In other words, if you're going to do this, keep going and don't be afraid. That's when I almost stood up in the middle of the theater and shouted, "That's right, Harriett, 'God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.' You go, girl! Faith over fear!" I didn't do it, but I wanted to. Remember that in audacious dreaming and fierce obedience, God has not given you a spirit of fear. It's your enemy. Run from it. And when you run far from your worries and into courageous obedience, you'll run right into the arms of God.


I know you have had times when you felt like giving up, but I’m thankful for you because you didn’t. You allowed God’s voice to lead you instead of fear.

There are always people and obstacles along the obedience route that make it more difficult or cause us to second guess the "what" that God is asking of us. One of these "tough" moments in the movie is when Harriett tells the Freedom movement that she's going back to free more slaves. Worried for her life, they try to deter her tenacity and courage by telling her that it's too far for her to go back. Harriett responds, "I'm not going to give up rescuing slaves because it's far!" I know you have had times when you felt like giving up, but I'm thankful for you because you didn't. You allowed God's voice to lead you instead of fear. I want to challenge you, my friend. Fill in your own blank in the face of fear. “I’m not going to give up ____________ because it’s __________.


I'm thankful for you and your fierce obedience. You're not alone in the journey: God and others who have gone before you are cheering for you. The Sisterhood is growing, and we're understanding that we're better together. So, have faith over fear sisters and believe God for the impossible. Our God is big, and He illuminates your path. You go, girl! If I were with you right now, I'd give you a big high five because you're pretty incredible, and I'm so thankful for you!


Offering our Calling


Lie-Vines and Fear-Thorns