What Sisterhood?

Can I be honest? I haven’t always loved “women’s ministry.”

In my early 20’s, I was a very young pastor’s wife, and I felt obligated to attend our church’s women’s ministry events.

This particular event was a Christmas tea party. I don’t love tea parties - if that’s your thing, that’s awesome! It just wasn’t my favorite. But all the other women seemed to love it. They talked, they laughed, they had obviously planned their perfectly coordinated outfits. But I felt out of place. I didn’t know who to sit by. I didn’t know what to wear or which fork to use for my salad. I remember awkwardly finding a seat at one of these events and feeling alone. I just wanted to go home, take off my pantyhose, and cry.

Looking back, I can see now that the problem wasn’t the tea party. The problem was that I wasn’t connected relationally to these women. I felt like I was on the outside - like I didn’t belong. 

Have you ever felt like that at a women’s event? There is something about gathering with a bunch of other women that can really bring our insecurities to the surface.  

A few years after the awkward tea party, I agreed to attend a women’s conference with a couple of my close friends. I will never forget that weekend. As I sat in that arena, surrounded by thousands of women I had never met, I felt a sense of “sisterhood” that I had never experienced before. I watched women of every age and background pray over one another, encourage one another, and cheer for one another. There was no pretense. No competition. It was breathtaking. This is what my heart was longing for. This was more than an event; it was sisterhood.

As I sat there, with tears streaming down my face, God spoke to my heart so clearly. I knew He was calling me to minister to women - to create a space where women of all ages, seasons, and backgrounds could come together as a sisterhood - united in purpose and love. A place where every girl was welcome at the table.

I didn’t know exactly how it would look, but I knew I couldn’t wait for sisterhood to come to me. It was time for me to take the initiative and reach out to the women in my world. So I started taking girls to coffee, leading sisterhood Bible studies in my basement, and creating opportunities for women to gather and connect.

Eventually, those small gatherings lead to large conferences, but the heart of each event - small or large, remains the same: to connect women to one another and to connect women to Jesus. 

If God is speaking to your heart about creating a space for sisterhood in your world, you “go girl!” We are cheering you on! God wants us to be gathered and connected. There is strength in our togetherness! As God’s daughter’s we should be demonstrating unity to a watching world.

Here are three little tips for starting up a Sisterhood…

Make it easy:

  1. Just start somewhere.

  2. Gather some girls for coffee.

  3. Invite a few ladies to do a Bible study.

  4. Meet up at a park.

  5. Don’t stress about the size of the event.

Gatherings don’t have to be large to be impactful.

Make it inviting: Culture is vital. Make every girl feel loved, valued, and celebrated! A culture of celebration kills the spirit of comparison. Make sure everyone feels like they belong.

Make it inclusive: Keep an open seat at your table. Include women of every age and background. There is so much beauty in our diversity!

You’ve got this, Sister! Pick up your pompoms and start encouraging some girls in your world!




I’ve Been Commissioned. But I’m Still Here.


Ordinary and Extraordinary Jesus